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 Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre

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Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre Empty
MessageSujet: Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre   Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre EmptyJeu 22 Sep - 22:54

Monsieur Buckdharma du label DPP m'a demandé de faire suivre ce mail d'un artiste noise argentin qui cherche un endroit où jouer en France le 8 novembre:

I'm Alan Courtis (of Reynols) a noise artist
from Argentina. Well I'm contacting because I'll be touring
solo inFrance by early november and I'm still
trying to book a gig for November 8th in France or around...
I'm basically doing a solo set with guitar, toba violin,
pocket theremin, tapes and some no-instruments. the music
goes from noise to experimental....
obviosly can share the gig with local bands any style...
Small venues (including squats with) with door money is ok
for me. I only would need a place to sleep that night. I'm
bringing my own sleeping bag anyway...
So please please let me know if you would have any interest.
thanks for your time and keep the good work!
all the best

Alan Courtis

PS. below enclosing a biography just in case, I can send you
photos and a text explaining the workshop if you want...
> Biography

Alan Courtis (a.k.a. Anla Courtis, Courtis, etc.) was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on february 22nd, 1972.
He played electric guitar in diverse bands and in 1993 he co-founded the
roup Reynols.
With this group he has released more than one hundred CDs and vinyls worldwide in DIY labels like Trente Oiseaux, Digital Narcis, Drone Records, Locust, Sedimental, Beta-Lactam Ring Records, Celebrated Psi Phenomenon, RRR, Audiobot Records, Roaratorio, JDK, Reverse, Matching Head, American Tapes, The Last Visible Dog, Carbon Records, etc., including conceptual projects like “10.000 Chickens Symphony”, “Whistling Kettle Quartet”, “Blank Tapes”, “Fire Music”, and two records in collaboration with the acclaimed american composer Pauline Oliveros. He has solo releases in labels likeTonschacht (Germany), Antifrost (Greece), RRR (USA), Riot Season (UK), Pink Skulls/Jewelled Antler (USA), C/Psi/P (New Zealand), Matching Head (UK), 267 Latajjaa (Finland), Audiobot Records (Belgium), Komkol Autoprod (Norway),

and has toured extensively in Europe, USA, South America, Japan,

He has also collaborated live and in studio with artists such as: Pauline Oliveros, The Nihilist Spasm Band, Lee Ranaldo, Damo Suzuki's Network, Makoto Kawabata (Acid Mothers Temple), KK Null, Rick Bishop,Sun City Girls), Toshimaru Nakamura, Lasse Marhaug, Yoshimi P-Wee(Boredoms), John Oswald, Solid Eye (L.A.F.M.S.), Masonna, Axel Dörner, Zbigniew Karkowski, Thomas Dimuzio, Rudolf Er.Er. (R&G), Kouhei Matsunaga, Ashtray Navigations, MSBR, The Moglass, Seiichi Yamamoto (Boredoms), Yoshida Tatsuya (Ruins), Tabata (Zeni Geva), Culver, Tetuzi Akiyama, Stilluppsteypa, Paul Dutton, Francisco López, Jazzkammer, Tom Carter
(Charalambides), Decaer Pinga, Birchville Cat Motel, Dave Knott, Masami Kawaguchi (Miminokoto), Dan Warburton, Bill Horist, > Jason Kahn, Aaron Moore (Volcano The Bear), Kei, Kazuya Ishigami, Sunao Inami, Illios, French Doctors, Goverment Alpha, Armpit, Manabu Yuasa, Higashi Hiroshi, Ichiraku Yoshimitsu, Nishide Takehiro, Alan Licht, Tore H. Boe, Damion Romero, Mitchell Brown, Leticia Castaneda, Joseph Hammer, Albert Ortega, Nick Castro, The Skaters, Andrey Kirtichenko ;Michael Snow.

He also has appeared in articles reviews in publications like:
The Wire (UK), Bananafish (USA),The Sound Projector (UK), Signal to Noise (USA), Musicworks (Canada),  Perfect Sound Forever (USA), Muckraker (USA), StudioVoice (Japan), the Broken Face (Sweden), The Chicago Reader (USA), Nashville Scene (USA), Hospital Brut (France), Eld Rich palmer Zine (Poland), Columbus Alive (USA), Houston´s Other, Carola Magazine (Italy), Speeder (UK), Denshi Zatsuon (Japan) etc

Selected Discography:

> - “Tribute to Calcium” (2005) Tonschacht. Germany
> - COURTIS_MATSUNAGA collab CD. Prele/Kokeko. France/Japan
> - "Live in L.A." (2005). The Seedy R(PseudoArcana). New Zealand
> - “Endless Cassette Research Vol. 1” (2005) Ultra. Russia
> - "Live in Fukuoka" (2005). Scrotum Records. Germany
> - Courtis-Romero “Psychomemory of...” (2005) P-Tapes. USA
> - Courtis & The Soviet Sex Machines (2005). Monopolka. Russia
> - “Los Alamos” (2004) Celebrate Psi Phenomenon. New Zealand
> - Cluver-Courtis (2004) Riot Season. UK
> - "Suite for Processed Marimbas" (2004) Audiobot Records. Belgium
> - “…Y el resplandor de la Luz no conoce limites” (2004) 267 Lattajjaa. Finland
> - “Recycled Music Tape” (2004). RRR. USA
> - Courtis/Marhaug “North & South Neutrino” (2004). Antifrost. Greece
> - “(the name of this drone is hidden in your DNA)” (2004) Nidnod. UK
> - “Presencia de lo No-Manifestado en lo Manifestado “ (2004). Astipalea. Poland
> - “Fractal Albur Solenoide” (2003) 23 Productions. USA
> - “Harmonica F’ever (2003) Pink Skulls/Jewelled Antler. USA
> - “Albumina Blues” (2001). Freedom From. USA
> - “Greatest Hits” (1999). Lonely Whistle Music. USA
> - “Eating an Estufa” (1998). Freedom From. USA
> - “The Micromoog Atofia” (1998). Komkol Autoprod. Norway
> - Culver-Courtis (1997). Matching Head, FDR Tapes & Capeet. UK, USA & Austria
> - “Poliestireno Expandido” (1996). Matching Head. UK

> upcoming:
> KNEALE-COURTIS. Celebrate Psi Phenomenon. New Zealand
> “Escalator Sonata” Digitalis Industries.23 Productions. USA
> ANLA COURTIS & ASHTRAY NAVIGATIONS “Protozic Rock Express”. Public Eyesore. USA
> CJA/COURTIS/ARMPIT  Root Don Lonie for Cash. New Zealand

selected discography with REYNOLS:
> - "Blank Tapes" (Trente Oiseaux/Germany)
> - "10.000 Chickens Symphony" (Drone Records/Germany)
> - Reynols/No-Reynols (Freedom From/USA)
> - Pauline Oliveros & Reynols "Pauline Oliveros in the
Arms of Reynols" (JDK/Holland)
> - Pauline Oliveros & Reynols “The Minecxio Connection
Live! at Rosendale Café” (Roaratorio/USA)
> - "Pacalirte Sorban Cumanos" (Beta-Lactam Ring Records/USA)
> - “Fire Music” (Digital Narcis/Japan)
> - "Barbatrulos" (Freedom From/USA)
> - "_ _ _ _ _ _ _" (BWCD+Black Bean & Placenta/UK&USA)
> - "Original Soundtrack of Pythagoras'Theorem" (Semi-Roar/Japan)
> - “Rovatino Surido Almericamo”  (Last Visible Dog/USA)
> - "Rampotanza Ronil Grodo Rempelente" (Locust Music/USA)
> - “The Bolomo Mogal F Hits” (Audiobot Records/Belgium)
> - "Recycled Tape" (RRRecords/USA)
> - Reynols/Birchville Cat Motel (Reverse/Denmark)
> - "Roto Chivas 268" (Matching Head/UK)
> - "Live in Chicago" (Carbon Records/USA)
> - “Deportation Symphony” (Riot Season/UK)
> - “Whistling Kettle Quartet” (Sedimental/USA)

> - Vida pisquica de los Caracoles (2004) Aguila Records. Argentina

for more information: a_courtis(at)yahoo(point)com
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Nombre de messages : 474
Localisation : lyon-brotteaux-weill- vers la part dieux quoi ...
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2005

Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre   Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre EmptyVen 23 Sep - 10:44

sa peut etre bien sa ... v essayer de farfouiller pour voir sur le web si ya des mp3 qui trainent mais sinon sa m'a pas l'air d'etre mauvais du tout
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Nombre de messages : 47
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2005

Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre   Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre EmptyVen 23 Sep - 18:28

pas mal l'insertion de DPP (vite fait bien fait) en début de topic !!
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Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre   Noiser Argentin cherche plan pour le 8 novembre Empty

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